The experimental system uses a boiler which supplies heat to the water to create steam. Heat is lost in thesystem and calculations are shown later in the report to analyze this for the two trials in the experiment, forcedand free convection.Convection refers to the transfer of thermal energy in the means of diffusion. As a fluid moves around theboundaries of an object, with a given velocity, an amount of heat energy will be transferred. It is used in manyprocesses, such as cooling a circuit board or keeping a room cool during a hot summer. The fluid, which comes inat a certain temperature, will experience the change in temperature. The object is being cooled while the fluidkeeps flowing. This process repeats over and over again, keeping the object at a desired temperature.A reservoir in the system was adjusted between forced and free convection levels. This means that thepressure head is being changed. The forced convection setup creates a pressure head capable of moving waterthrough the system with a velocity. The free convection setup does not circulate as much new water into thesystem. The forced convection setup results in an increase in dissipated heat in the exiting of the fluid into thedrainage tank. This results in a larger total heat transfer for the forced convection than the free convection.In the next section of the report the procedure used to complete the actual experiment is shown. Afterthat a general understanding of the equations and methodology used will be explained. Finally, a series of samplecalculations are shown that show how achieving the h
= convection heat transfer coefficient was possible andwhat conclusions can be made through these results