Wall solutions containing 40-55%
(w/w) solids were made in 50 °C distilled water. To get all of
the hydrocolloid fully rehydrated, octenyl succinate starch
solution was prepared and allowed to stand overnight at room
temperature before use, whereas the solution of maltodextrin
was prepared 2 h prior to use. Twenty grams of aroma products
per 100 g of support (modified starch or maltodextrin) was
added to the wall solutions before homogenization. Twenty
grams of cheese aroma was equivalent to 17.77 g expressed
in butyric acid equivalents. Emulsion assays were realized
with samples of 50 mL. Emulsifications were carried out by
using an Ultra-Turrax T-25 homogenizer (IKA Janke and
Kunke model Bioblock Scientific, Illirch, France) operated at
25000 rpm for 10 min or by using an ultrasonic instrument
(Bioblock Scientific model)