Physical growth of children with anorectal malformations: difference of growth in children with comorbidity. Presented are the means (symbols) and 95% confidence intervals (whiskers). Circles represent height; squares represent weight for height. Closed symbols represent children with at least 1 additional major comorbidity, open symbols represent children without or only minor additional comorbidity. At 0.5 year: with major comorbidity n=37, without n=39; at 1year n=40 with major comorbidity and n=40 without; at 2 years n=36 with major comorbidity and n=40 without; and at 5 years n = 20 with comorbidity and n = 19 without. *p b 0.01, † p b 0.05; tested with the independent sample t-test, with grouping variable presence of additional major comorbidity.