The genre of book is fantasy, thats why it should have its own universe. All my life I wanted create something realistic, accordingly the local should be our planet. If this is medieval "realistic" fantasy, the action time is between XII-XIII centuries, but the autor is't in friendly relationships with dates then this item can be skipped. Book just doesn't say even "The Age of the Black dragon" or "8762 year from the Birth of the Great Prophet". But precisely known the location which is the big island in the middle of the ocean. This is too big and too "between" so the most optimal variant for it is Pacific ocean. Accordingly, climate should be similar with the Australian, but the territory is not so big like Australian.
The island called Melzana. Here set 3 the strongist monarchy and few "independent" tribes (of course the are independent only on paper). Besides near the main island are smaller islands. The peculiarity of the waters around the archipelago is that residents of Melzana can't leave it and get to our continents (later it will be told in details how it could be). In general, it is the basic concept of the book).
The story is about the one powerful mag and his "dream". In book he is the main antagonist. In childhood he got many failure and loss, thats why it affected to his mind and sparked in his head even more schizophrenia. He got "The God's syndrome", therefore he began to want to rule the world (inhabitants of Melzana thought that whole world are only their island and the part of the Ocean near). He was quite powerful and smart, not just to take revenge on all and sundry, and to justify his "dream", "cleansing of the world", which subsequently will rule and build their own laws of the Universe. And here is the main problem that people do not just come to be enslaved, or simply die, therefore they need to be seized by the power, that is to start a war. For the war needs an army, and to support it, you need to have a good soldier. In fact, this magician powerful enough to create the concept of a single soldier, not the army (just physically impossible to find so many people under his command). So he decided to focus on creating the "perfect soldier". According to him, the soldiers should have four qualities, namely, it must be Wisdom, Agility, Strength, and Immortality (four book titles throughout the saga). Wisdom, in his opinion, should not be to understanding yourself and understanding of life and truth, but knowledge bare facts and wit, so it is possible to find a solution even in the most difficult and desperate situation. To guide this is a great quality, a soldier does not ask too many questions, do not ask himself, who is the "I", but merely obeying orders and doing it honestly and accurately. Agility requires an ability to control the body to be healthy physically and counteract all the soldiers' hardships. Combined Wisdom and Agility are already yielding results: using the Wisdom, the soldier decides that it is impossible to protect themselves from the impact, and using a rational decision and agility, he simply dodge from it. But still, there are two qualities that are interacting with them, give even more better result. Strength is not just physical strength and development, but also the strength of mind and will, with which the soldiers will be able to achieve the task, come what may. And finally, immortality involves both physical and spiritual eternity, which can not interrupt the ordinary man and the laws of physics, that is simply to kill the "owner" of immortality. This is the concept of the ideal of a magician.