Effect of reduced nutrients
Reducing the total nutrients (nitrogen supplements
and YNB) from 10.53 to 5.26 or 2.63 g/l did not change
ethanol production significantly (P> 0.05). However,
further reduction of nutrients to 1.05 or 0.53 g/l reduced
the rate of ethanol production considerably .P . 0:01..
Ethanol production and yield obtained during optimization
of nitrogen supplementation during fermentation of acid hydrolyzates by C. shehatae FPL-Y-049 are
summarized in Table 3). To produce 26±28 g/l ethanol
during fermentation of various batches of wood
hydrolyzates under experimental conditions, the optimum
level of nutrients used was 2.63 g/l. Similar obsevations
on effect of nutrients in ethanol fermentation
from xylose in C. shehatae have been reported previously
(Jeffries, 1985).