Park Chung Hee; was a man of action. He also a men of ideas and what he believed mattered greatly for South Korea. He was mixed the Japanese ethos of top-down mobilization and the U.S. ideas of technocracy Korean nationalism in most un-Japanese and un-American ways to clear the way for economic growth.
The new strategies and policies were not imposed the outside, they were the product of ideologies from images, and information embedded in the inner world of Park Chung Hee , It is through these ideational dimensions that Park conceived, guided, and drove all of South Korea's modernization in the 1960s and 197os.
However, Park he was adopted a strategy of economic nationalism that combined import protection, industrial policy, and export promotion to transform infant industries into internationally competitive engines of growth.
He use this way to clear away societal obstacles and mobilize scarce resources for this dirigisme path economic development, his political strategy centered on guided democracy and state corporatism in which both civil society and political society were reorganized, controlled and orchestrated by the state for the sake of efficiency, stability and regime security. His social modernization strategy supplemented his economic and political strategies by making the South Korean people the targets of spiritual reform and resource mobilization by the state.
Civil society was reorganized and mobilized for national harmony and economic prosperity along the military ideals of order, discipline, and collectivism. These three strategies of economic nationalism, guided democracy, and corporatist social mobilization made Park's modernization a classic.
Park Chung hee, his born under the Japanese colonial rule absorbing imperial education doctrines that glorified the Japanese emperor and indoctrinated the Koreans of this generation to be loyal imperial subjects.
Park Chung hee, he has spirit of discipline, leadership and loyalty, he also emphasized attention to detail, precision and decisiveness and preached the value of self-sacrifice for nation.
Park's Japanese identity influenced his modernization strategy in three critical ways.
• The anatomy of Park’s modernization strategy demonstrates the depth of Japan’s influence on him. The Japanese ethos, policy models and institution were instrument in crafting the ideational foundations of Park’s economic, political and social modernization policies and goals.