Ace Dairies gives a home delivery service for milk, dairy products and a
range of related goods. Roger Smitheram has run the dairy for the past
twelve years. His product is a combination of goods (the items he
delivers) and services (the delivery and associated jobs he does for
At the heart of operations is an information system which contains full
details of all Roger’s 500 customers, including their regular orders,
special orders, where to deliver, how they pay, and so on. Every day
the system calculates the likely sales of all products in two days time.
Roger adds some margin of safety, allows for likely variations and
passes his order to Unigate Dairy in Totnes in Devon (about 150 km
away). This Unigate depot acts as a wholesaler for milkmen in Wales
and the southwest of England. The following evening it delivers to a
holding depot in Camborne, and then takes Roger’s goods 10 km to a
cold store in Hayle. At 5.30 the following morning Roger collects the
order from his cold store and starts delivering to customers. This
normally takes until 1.30 in the afternoon, but on Fridays he spends
more time collecting money and often finishes after 5.00 pm.
There are several specific problems facing Ace Dairies. There is, for
example, some variation in daily demand, so Roger has to carry spare
stock. He cannot carry too much, as dairy products have a short life
and anything not delivered quickly is thrown away. Roger aims at
keeping this waste down to 2 per cent of sales. There are also
problems maintaining a service during holidays, or when Unigate has
difficulties with their deliveries.
Perhaps Roger’s main concern is maintaining his sales over the long
term. Demand for doorstep deliveries is declining, as people buy more
milk at supermarkets. The number of milkmen in Hayle has declined
from ten in 1987 to three in 2002. Most of Roger’s customers have
been with him for many years, but he generates new custom by
canvassing, delivering leaflets, special offers, carrying a range of other
products, and so on.
Ace Dairies gives a home delivery service for milk, dairy products and arange of related goods. Roger Smitheram has run the dairy for the pasttwelve years. His product is a combination of goods (the items hedelivers) and services (the delivery and associated jobs he does forcustomers).At the heart of operations is an information system which contains fulldetails of all Roger’s 500 customers, including their regular orders,special orders, where to deliver, how they pay, and so on. Every daythe system calculates the likely sales of all products in two days time.Roger adds some margin of safety, allows for likely variations andpasses his order to Unigate Dairy in Totnes in Devon (about 150 kmaway). This Unigate depot acts as a wholesaler for milkmen in Walesand the southwest of England. The following evening it delivers to aholding depot in Camborne, and then takes Roger’s goods 10 km to acold store in Hayle. At 5.30 the following morning Roger collects theorder from his cold store and starts delivering to customers. Thisnormally takes until 1.30 in the afternoon, but on Fridays he spendsmore time collecting money and often finishes after 5.00 pm.There are several specific problems facing Ace Dairies. There is, forexample, some variation in daily demand, so Roger has to carry sparestock. He cannot carry too much, as dairy products have a short lifeand anything not delivered quickly is thrown away. Roger aims atkeeping this waste down to 2 per cent of sales. There are alsoproblems maintaining a service during holidays, or when Unigate hasdifficulties with their deliveries.Perhaps Roger’s main concern is maintaining his sales over the longterm. Demand for doorstep deliveries is declining, as people buy moremilk at supermarkets. The number of milkmen in Hayle has declinedfrom ten in 1987 to three in 2002. Most of Roger’s customers havebeen with him for many years, but he generates new custom bycanvassing, delivering leaflets, special offers, carrying a range of otherproducts, and so on.
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