This document applies to Entities, functions, and personnel that utilize the Global TrackWise 8 System
CCM workflow for management of changes to Product and Product Related Processes, Facilities, and
This document applies to changes to product design, product requirements, user needs, intended use,
product related processes, facilities, and suppliers within the scope of the QMS for Device and
Therapeutic (drugs, biologics and medicinal) products.
Sites/Areas where the Global TrackWise 8 System CCM workflow is not deployed must continue to
process changes to products and product related processes using CQP0502005. Following
deployment, sites may continue to use CQP0502005 for changes that were in process
underCQP0502005 prior to deployment of the Global TrackWise 8 CCM workflow.
For more details regarding applicability and exclusions, refer to Appendix A, and Appendix B.