Here is what I found regarding to the video:
The event took place in Guatemala. A group of residents of Rio Bravo, lynched a young woman having shot dead the driver of a motorcycle taxi, official sources reported. Villagers indicated that women with two other subjects attacked a motorcycle taxi driver, identified as Carlos Enrique González Noriega, 68, so they started the search for suspected criminals who escaped from the mob. The girl being lynched is 16 years old. She and two men murdered and robbed a taxi driver in this city (Suchitepequez) very shortly before this video was filmed. The two men fled into a series of alleyways and escaped, but the girl took a wrong turn and was surrounded by an angry mob. Several witnesses had seen her participate in the shooting (though information did not indicate whether she actually wielded and fired a gun) and she admitted to it in front of the crowd in hopes that it would buy her some mercy. As we can see, it did not. This video depicts a hastily-formed lynch mob dispensing their form of ‘justice’ on a killer. The killers were collecting money for the gangs, taxi driver didnt cooperate.