2.3.1. Retrieval of brightness temperature from the Landsat 5
TM images
2.3.2. Retrieval of brightness temperature from the Landsat 7
ETM+ images
The Landsat 7 ETM+ 1G products were utilized for retrieving
temperature in 2000. The approach to the retrieval of temperature was described in the Landsat 7 User's Handbook. It is
also simplified to two separate steps as follows:
First, the DNs of band6 were converted to radiance by the
following formula:
Where,Tis the effective at-satellite brightness temperature
in Kelvin; K1 = 666.09(watts/(meter squared⁎ster⁎μm)) and
K2 = 1282.71(Kelvin) are calibration constants; andLλ is the
spectral radiance in watts/(meter squared⁎ster⁎μm).
2.4. Derivation of NDVI, NDWI, NDBI and NDBaI from
Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery