Regarding announcement of selling fixed assets, please consider for some concerns.
1) The items that your department will sell should be approved from Property Manager for the selling price.
As per the email sent to K. Bee and you on 10/5/2016, we did not mention for Laundry machine (good condition) but you announced to sell them.
2) The selling prices should be identified clearly. (please do not use my email to post in public since there are some statements that I did not want to share to all the staff).
3) Please identify the conditions of each type of fixed assets in order to ensure that the staff will understand properly.
I remembered that we informed in the HODs meeting that the selling items should be good condition. If you would like to sell damage, please identify clearly.
4) If there are more than 1 types of each fixed assets such as refrigerator and microwave, please identify process for selecting fairly and clearly.
5) Please send to all HODs by email to forward to all the staff also.
6) Please give me the name of committees after closing reserving fixed assets.