「siriv7:off」:Siri-chan will become responsive.
「siriv7:on」:Siri-chan will become unresponsive.
「siriv7:DenyInviteURL」: Siri-chan will block an invitation via URL or QR code.
「siriv7:backup」:This command can take the group's backup.
「siriv7:GroupCreator」:This command can show the group's creator.
「siriv7:InviteURL」:This command can make a URL which is a invitation to the group.
「siriv7:CancelInvite」:This command can cancel all invitations.
「siriv7:bye」: Siri-chan will leave from this group.
「siriv7:tickets」:This command can show your tickets.
「siriv7:login」:This command can show your backup groups.
「siriv7:hiddencommand」: hidden command…
「siriv7:PictureCreator」:This command can show the picture’s creator.
「siriv7:creator」:This command can show the Siri-chan’s creator.
「siriv7:version」:This command can show the version of this siri-chan.
「siriv7:help」:This command can show the command list.
「set:help」:This command can show the list of setting’s command.
「Set:check」:This command can show your group’s status.
「Set:BlockInvite:on or off」:This command can protect the user’s inviting.
「Set:ChangeNameLock:on or off」:This command can lock this group’s name.
「Set:IconLock:on or off」:This command can lock this group’s icon.
「Set:OwnerLock:on or off」:This command can lock group’s owner.
「Set:ChangeOwner」:This command can change group’s owner.
「Set:AddWhiteList」:This command can add this group’s white list.
「Set:AddBlackList」:This command can add this group’s black list.
「Set:DeleteList」:This command can delete this group’s all list.
「Set:CopyOwnList」:This command can copy this group’s all list to other group.