1. Do you keep the microwave and other kitchen machines on standby? Does your refrigerator need to be so cold? Is your dishwasher only half full? It all wastes energy.
2. If you use light bulbs in your kitchen, change to low-energy bulbs. They waste less energy. heat up the place less and last longer. if everyone changed to low-energy bulbs, the world would use 4% less electricity
3. When I using the oven, I bake two or three dishes together. For those with a small oven. if you prepare everything ahead of time and bake the dishes one after the other, you won't have to pre-heat the oven again.
4. Please learn to use a pressure cooker if you don't already. If takes 90% less time to cook rice, vegetables and lentils than by boiling.
5. If your tap water is drinkable, don't drink bottled water. If just increases the amount of plastic in the environment.
6. Plan your shopping for food and kitchen supplies so you can get everything in one trip. If you share a car with friend, you'll have fun and save fuel.
7. Grow as many green herbs as possible. They will make your kitchen look nice, you can use them in cooking and they will also increase the oxygen supply.
8. Solar heaters are very popular in the South of India and many new buildings have them. If we get a lot of sunlight, we shouldn't waste it.