Pesticides may be absorbed through the layers of the epidermis
into the body [42,43]. The rate of penetration of active and inert
pesticide agents varies according to a range of biological and
environmental factors. Rates of absorption for pesticides are
generally estimated through in vitro and in vivo human and animal
testing [44]. There have also been attempts to describe percutaneous
absorption through the development of mathematical
models incorporating a range of variables obtained from in vitro
and in vivo tests, such as age, anatomical site, ambient temperature,
humidity, and pesticide concentration
Pesticides may be absorbed through the layers of the epidermisinto the body [42,43]. The rate of penetration of active and inertpesticide agents varies according to a range of biological andenvironmental factors. Rates of absorption for pesticides aregenerally estimated through in vitro and in vivo human and animaltesting [44]. There have also been attempts to describe percutaneousabsorption through the development of mathematicalmodels incorporating a range of variables obtained from in vitroand in vivo tests, such as age, anatomical site, ambient temperature,humidity, and pesticide concentration
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