Remuneration, invoicing and payment
All prices shall be net fixed prices exclusive of any statutory payable value-added tax and, unless otherwise
agreed, shall include all additional costs (such as transport and installation costs, travelling expenses, sup-
plements, lump sums, etc.). The prices shall apply without change until the completion of all the services to
be provided under the contract.
Payment for goods supplied or services provided under the contract shall be made on the basis of the pay-
ment terms agreed in the purchase order.
In the event that an invoice is submitted in the form of a credit note as described in Section 9.7, the start of
the payment period shall be the receipt of the goods at the place of use or the acceptance procedure for the
In the event that the invoice does not take the form of a credit note, the start of the payment period shall be
receipt of the goods at the place of use or the acceptance procedure for the service as well as the receipt of
a correct, auditable invoice which meets the requirements of BMW set out in Section 9.6.
To calculate the due date for payment, a service which is completed before the agreed deadline shall not be
deemed to have been completed until the agreed deadline