Red wait! You promised!"
"......... Things change." The boy in front of you continues walking, his pikachu on his shoulder. You clutch the pokedex in your left hand and run off, heading into the tall grass surrounding your house. You sit down and angrily shove your pokedex into your bag, wiping away tears quickly. You hear rustling next to you and your breath hitches, you had forgotten about the wild Pokemon in the grass. You scrabble back as the noise gets closer, the grass flattening beneath you. You squeeze your eyes shut as you hear a growl and something pounce, waiting for it to attack. You open your eyes and giggle, a pink tongue licking your arm. Paws rest on your knee, and you see a growlithe perched on you. You smile and laugh, petting it and letting it lick your hand.
"Hehehe that tickles!"
~present day, age 17~
You trudge up the mountain, wrapped in a warm (f/c) coat, a long (s/f/c) scarf blowing in the wind. A flurry of snow is blowing around you as you bury your hand in Arcanines fur, his claws sinking into the icy terrain.
"Only a little bit further, then we can go home and have something warm to eat yeah?"
Arcanine looks back and growls happily at the mention of food, trudging on a little faster. Your other Pokemen were snuggled away in their poke balls, shielded from the cold. You can see a figure through the blizzard standing near the edge, something familiar in the way he stands. You get to the top and stand beside the mysterious boy, staring down below at the scenery through the snow. Arcanine sits next to you and leans against your leg, making you stumble over a little into the boy.
"Oh gosh I'm so sorry!"
"......" The boy turns towards you and holds up a poke ball.
"Oh, you want to battle? Okay!" Arcanine stands in front of you as the boys pikachu is sent out. The battle is short enough, and soon all your Pokemon are wiped out. The stranger walks up to you and heals all your Pokemon, getting up to leave. "Wait!"
"............" The boy stops and you get up, stumbling through the snow to his side.
"Who are you? You're an amazing trainer!"
"..........." You stand on your tiptoes and go to look into his eyes underneath his baseball cap. He ducks his head lower and you frown slightly.
"Hey... I don't bite, I promise!" You put your hand under his chin and tip his face so you can see it, and your mouth hangs open. "You..." Reddish-brown eyes search your face, your (e/c) eyes wide and staring at him. "Red?!"
"......." He doesn't speak, but you can see the guilt and that's enough to confirm what you guessed. You scowl and turn on your heel, storming down the mountain with Arcanine at your side. You're almost to the bottom when someone grabs your wrist, making you stop. You can hear someone breathing heavily and you try to pull your wrist from their grasp.
"Let me go!"
"....." You turn to see Red shake his head, his pikachu perched on his shoulder. Pain pierces your heart as the memory of him leaving runs through your head. His hand is on your wrist and you tug again, scowling.
"Let me go!"
"......" He shakes his head again and you groan.
"Let me go. Now, Red."
He shakes his head harder and tugs you closer to him. You put your hands against his chest and try to push away when Red wraps his arms around your waist and leans his head down towards you, the brim of his hat turned backwards. You squeal in frustration and beat your fists against his chest, only getting a small grunt out of him before he's pressing his lips against yours. You freeze up as his lips move against yours, showing emotions he refuses to. You sink into the kiss hesitantly, your hands pressed against his chest as you kiss him back, your eyes squeezing shut. You pull away from the kiss, your breath coming out in little puffs, showing in the cold air.
"Red I-" Red looks into your eyes, telling more of a story than words ever could. You stare into his eyes, mesmerized, and smile. A smile can be seen faintly on Reds lips as he pulls you into a hug.
"........" Arcanine nudges you two after a few minutes of standing as the storm rages on around you two. You pet Arcanine and laugh, smiling softly.
"Okay, we can go home now."
You look at him right as you begin to walk home. "I have to. Unlike you I can't stand on top of a mountain 24/7."
"....... Stay."
"I can't stay. Why don't you come down off this mountain and come to my house? You can get something to eat before going back up if that's what you want."
He nods and turns his hat back around, keeping his head low as he follows behind you. You shiver while you walk and soon enough you feel an arm wrap around your waist, drawing you against a warm body. You look up at Red for a moment and keep walking, the little rest house at the bottom glowing softly. You continue on, waving to the nice old lady inside as you walk by her window. As you go lower and lower down the trail it gets warmer, until you have to push Red away and take off your jacket, hanging it around your shoulders loosely. Red takes you hand instead and his Pikachu looks at you from his perch on his right shoulder. You're still mad at him for leaving you behind all those years ago, and it swirls in the pit of your stomach and cramps painfully. Your grip on his hand tightens as you think to yourself, not hearing the slight noise of discomfort he makes when you begin squeezing too hard. He looks down at you to see an irritated scowl on your face, your cheeks flushed red even though it isn't that cold anymore.
"........." Red tries to pull his hand from yours, grunting and you blink out of your thoughts, letting him go and looking up at him in confusion. He rubs his hand and you can see a red mark from where you had been squeezing his hand in a vice grip.
"I'm sorry.." He waves his hand in dismissal of your apology and takes your hand again, looking at you. "My house is just a little bit farther! Do you see it on the hill?" You lift the hand that is holding his and point to a house nestled in a clearing atop a hill. He nods and heads that way, tugging you along behind him. His pikachu has moved from his shoulder onto Arcanines back, sleeping soundly. You and Red take your time in getting to your house, not needing to rush. You get to the top of the hill and open the door, letting Red step in after Arcanine bounds into the room, immediately sitting by the fireplace. The wind had picked up, coming down from the mountains, and there was a bite to the air. You put away your jacket and scarf, closing the door and motioning for Red to take a seat. "I'll get a fire going, then make some food. Sound good?" Arcanine growls in response and Red moves towards the fireplace, grabbing logs and putting them in the fireplace.
"....... Ill get the fire going." You nod and walk towards the small stove and fridge in the corner. Your house wasn't that big, just one large room with a table and cushions in one corner, a small kitchen in the other and your bed off to the side of the fireplace, which was next to the kitchen. A small bathroom was attached to the room, and overall the house was perfect for a trainer who was out more often than she was in. You cook a large amount of food, setting a large bowl of it on the floor or Arcanine and a smaller one for Pikachu. They pounce on the food and start eating right away, looking at each other to make sure they don't steal any food. You smile and divvy the rest into two bowls, handing one to Red before settling across from him at the table. You two eat in silence, occasionally saying a few words back and forth. After everyone is done you wash the dishes and dry them, tucking them away where they belong. You turn around and jump, leaning against the counter as you calm your racing heart.
"Red don't do that!"
"........." Red steps closer to you, and you step back, flush against the counter as Red looks down at you. His hat is missing, and you think you can see it laying on the table.
"Red what are y-" he gives you a look and your words trail off, your breath getting stuck in your throat. He places his hands on your waist and picks you up, setting you on the edge of the counter next to the sink. He leans his forehead against yours and watches you, his breath ghosting along your lips. A smile ghosts along his lips and he leans in, brushing his lips against yours softly, soft enough that you barely feel it. You huff impatiently and grab his jacket, pulling him against you and pressing your mouth to his. He makes a small noise of surprise against your lips and wraps his arms around your waist, moving his lips against yours passionately. You wrap an arm around his neck and bury your other hand in his hair, twisting the dark locks between your fingers. Red makes little noises of bliss as you two kiss, making you smile against his mouth. After a little while you pull back and smile at Reds blissed out expression, combing your fingers through his hair. "For someone who doesn't talk much, you're pretty vocal."
"......." A sly grin appears on his face and he nods towards the bed, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Red!" You smack his arm and he laughs, hugging you closely.