Tell me about yourself .
l was born here in Berlin,
but my family is from
Leรpzig, in what was
East Germany. They
moved over to the West
soon after the German
รวมตัวกันอีกคั้ง How
about you?
l'm from Brazil, but my
grandparents were from
Germany. อันที่จริง they
were from Berlin.
So l guess you still have family here.
l'm afraid we ขาดการติดต่อ our relatives.
And how long have you been here?
l've been here for almost three years. คุณจะเห็นได้ที่, l
a German passport because of my grandparents.
So l can work อย่างถูกกฎหมาย in this country.
เก๋นก่อนการเปลี่ยนหัวข้อ, what do you do?
l'm a biologist. l do research in a lab for a
pharmaceutical company.
Do you miss Brazil?
Quite a bit But l've got a good job. l've made lots
of friends. l เป็นส่วนหนึ่ง OK . . . l'm happy here.