This chapter discusses the different approaches and challenges for the future of ergonomics and its work. It presents some aspects of ergonomics and its diversity based on the studies published at the Triennial International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress 2006. These are limited to the fields of ODAM (Organization for Development Action and Maintenance), user participation, activity theories, and human error. One of the most important points defining an acceptable environment is ‘what actually makes sense to people.’ In many situations, workers are suffering, complaining, and even becoming ill because the content of the tasks and the way management is acting creates a work context devoid of sense. The chapter also emphasizes that ergonomists should take into account working conditions, tools, machines, architectural aspects of the plants, information technology, norms, and rules. The question should be how all those aspects that are constituents of the tasks afford or create impediments for people to develop their work. Many questions that are to be faced in a transformation/innovation process are discussed here.