A manually operated sugarcane juice extractor was designed. constructed and tested to assist
the small and medium sugarcane crusher to extract juice from sugarcane. The machine
macerates vertically loaded sugarcane stem ~Uld presses the macerated stem against the
cylindrical cone to extract the juice from the wet baggasse. The machine consists of the
macerating part which is made up of the grating drum that runs through a cylindrical cone for
the maceration process and a sieving unit for squeezing out the juice. The performance tests
carried out on the fabricated machine showed that the extraction units could macerate but the
rate of juice extraction was low. The design needs further improement to make it more
effective. HOvever such small scale wet baggasse production can actually cut dO\"I1 the cost
of transporting bulk cane to the distance markets. A device of this nature can be
manufactured in small machine shops in the sugarcane producing areas for village level