standards articulate learning goals in the terms of what we want students to know, understand, and do.
Standard 1, Essential Health Concepts, provides foundational health knowledge – what students should
know. Standard 2, Healthy Decisions, broadens student understanding of health content to allow students
to transfer information in a variety of contexts to make healthy and safe life choices – what students
should understand. Standard 3, Advocacy and Health Promotion, provides relevance for student learning
and opportunities for students to demonstrate or design realistic outcomes for application of health
information – what students should be able to do to advocate for their health and the health of others.
Thestandards articulate learning goals in the terms of what we want students to know, understand, and do.Standard 1, Essential Health Concepts, provides foundational health knowledge – what students shouldknow. Standard 2, Healthy Decisions, broadens student understanding of health content to allow studentsto transfer information in a variety of contexts to make healthy and safe life choices – what studentsshould understand. Standard 3, Advocacy and Health Promotion, provides relevance for student learningand opportunities for students to demonstrate or design realistic outcomes for application of healthinformation – what students should be able to do to advocate for their health and the health of others.
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