Sensory and hedonic ratingswere tracked using the Sussex Ingestion
Pattern Monitor (SIPM version 2.0.13, University of Sussex) which consists
of a digital balance system linked to a computer monitor similar to
the Universal EatingMonitor (UEM). In all trials participantswere asked
to fill in appetite and mood ratings using digital Visual Analogue Scales
(VAS) by the SIPM. The ratings were presented as simple sentences
(“How bword> do you feel?”) with a left hand anchor reading “Not
at all bword>” (coded as 0) and a right hand anchor reading “As
bword> as I have ever felt/experienced” (coded as 100). To ensure
compliance during ratings the software prompted participants to
“Please use the mouse to drag the bar to the point on the scale that
best represents howyou feel right now.” before each evaluation. Participants
completed this action and pressed “Rating Complete”. Initial
appetite and mood ratings included how alert, clear-headed, energetic,
full, hungry, nauseous and thirsty they felt.