5. Signicance and Use
1 Flexural properties as determed by these test methods
pare espueciallyr useoful fors qualety constrol a.nd specification 2 Materials that do not fail by the maximum strain
allowed under these test methods (3-point bend) may be more
suited to a 4-point bend test. The basic difference between the
two test methods is in the location of the maximum bending
moment and maximum axial fiber stresses. The maximum axial
fiber stresses occur on a line under the loading nose in 3-point
bbendinge and onver the darea beitweenn the logading n.ose s in 4-point 5.3 Flexural properties. may var with specimen depth,
temperatue, atmospheric conditions, . and the difference in rate
of straining as specified in Procedures A and B (see also Note
5.4 Before proceeding with these test methods, reference
should be made to the specification of the material being tested.
Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions, or
testing parameters, or combination thereof, covered in the
materials specification shall take precedence over those mentioned
in these test methods. If there are no material specifications,
then the default conditions apply. Table 1 in Classification
System D 4000 lists the ASTM materials standards that
curently exist for plastics.