Functional performance
Measures of functional performance included the sit-to stand,
rising from the floor, stair climbing and 6 MW tests.
All tests were performed the same day (between 2 and 5
p.m.), before and after the exercise program (4 days after
last exercise session), following the sequence described
below and with a 3-min rest interval between tests. The sit to stand test measured the time taken by subjects to perform
5 repetitions of rising from a standard chair without
armrests (seat height of 46 cm) to a full upright position
as quickly as possible and without assistance (5). The rising
from the floor test measured the time taken by subjects to
rise from the supine position (arms along the body) to a full
upright position 40 cm ahead of its original position as
quickly as possible. The test was performed 3 times (1 min
of rest between tries) and the average was used for analysis.
The stair climbing test measured as the time taken by
subjects to ascend a flight of 15 steps (15 cm high and 30 cm
depth) as quickly as possible. The 6 MW test measured the
distance covered in 6 min while walking on a programmable
treadmill without inclination and with self-controlled
velocity, where the subjects were instructed to walk according
to Borg’s scale, in exertion levels ranging from light to
somewhat hard (from 11 to 13) (19), as previously described