I'm sorry Kat but this party seriously sucks..." I couldn't hold my tongue any more, the more I stayed the more annoying the drunks and music became.
Kat stood looking at me, she was drunk already, but unlike me they didn't have projects to finish before Monday.
"It's because you're not drinking Mag's" Kat really slurred her words. She was my best friend, my beautiful best friend. Her skin was tanned throughout the year with dark hair, almost black. Some sort of Spanish in-heritage no doubt.
"Yeah I'm going to go, you okay here?" I studied her face in-case she doubted it, but she was fine. Plus our other friend Cindy who was notoriously known for flirting and the party queen, was already up and dancing, in the middle of it all.
Kat hugged me, downed her drink and got up in the direction of Cindy. I loved my girls. It had always been us three...
But in the last semester I have started to feel out of place. What I want is not the direction they're going.
My plans have been to study hard and go to University in another state, whereas I feel they are happy living small town lives.
My mother has always been a small town girl, and my father left years ago.
My mother is a drunk now, we barely speak. Usually I found her belly up on the sofa passed out from the booze. Now it was just me and her, and I want something more for me.
I'd almost made it to the door, pushing passed bodies milling around me, the sound of the music got louder as I neared the front door.
"You going already? We haven't had a chance to speak yet" It was Joe, the heart throb. He had been trying it the last semester but I've been avoiding it. So close to finishing, a relationship is not high on the list right now.
"Yeah, I got a lot of work to do."
"But we are only getting started!" Joe was drunk.
"Exactly" I smiled briefly and opened the door to leave.
"You look nice, I like the blue on you, goes with your eyes..." his voice trailed off into the distance as I made it down the path.
"You're drunk Joe, but thanks" My insides were cringing, I couldn't bring myself to look back at him.
My shoes clicked down the street. It had been raining as the pavement glistened.
Running my hands through my blonde wavy hair, the late nights had caught up with me. And with tiredness bought the feeling of being cold. Why did I even wear these stupid shoes?
My house wasn't far from here. You had to walk down the main street and my road was just off from there. But still it seemed to take forever and every step my strapped bag bounced against my hip as I walked.
"I wanted you to stay Maggie" It was Joe, he had followed me.
"Joe? Seriously, its kind of creepy that you have actually followed me out here" He stepped closer entering my personal space, the smell of alcohol radiated off of him.
"I like you Maggie, what can I say, I want you" He slurred.
"Go home Joe" Turning to leave he grabbed me, I immediately knew this was not right. The air around us seemed to change. Malevolent. A small whimpered breath escaped me. "I'm warning you"
His hand started to run down my arm, he lent in closer to me trying to kiss me, his lips wet with saliva, everything was too forced. I brought my knee up quickly, kneeing him in his privates and took the opportunity to turn and run. Id already dropped my bag and one of my shoes.
My brain told me I was never going to make it home, he was coming after me and rapidly gaining on me. I was hobbling with one shoe, there was no time to stop to kick it off.
"Go away Joe!" I yelled back as I knew he was about to catch me.
He slammed into me, swinging me round by my dress, ripping the back zip of my dress open. Throwing me into a wall he held me with his arm, pinning me. Looking round I tried to find someone, anyone walking down the street. But it was dead. It was too late, not even cars were driving around.
"You are such a tease, dressing like that, same league as a stripper. A whore. Someone needs to teach you a lesson" His arm started to push harder, strangling me.
His hand started to slide up my thigh. I couldn't believe after all this time, this was the way it was going to go.
My breaths were battered, trying to escape from his crushing arm. The fear being built up wasn't helping.
Just past Joe's head a dark figure swiftly moved. The figure of a man came bounding over knocking Joe to the ground and out of shock I fell too.
I saw the man, in dark jeans, a hoody and a dark green coat over the top. His hood was up concealing his face. It was all that I could take in before standing up.
He'd dragged Joe over towards some bins and was beating him, eventually going out of view behind them.
No more hesitation, I had to get out of here. Kicking the other shoe off, my poor bare feet pounded into the pavement making them throb and warm. By now I was filthy. If my mother was sober she would comfort me and call the police once I'd arrive. But that was highly unlikely.
The back of my sequin dress was ripped right where the zip would be, the cold air had only just made me realize a chilling reminder.
Five houses off of Main street, my house came barrelling up to me. Down the drive across the path I raced. I didn't look back.
Throwing myself through the door, I locked it behind me and pulling the chain across too. Taking a few steps in to the living room my mum wasn't here. She must be in bed already or still out somewhere.
Leaning my arms on the sofa trying to slow my breathing, the reality of what just happened got to me. My view started to swirl, the heat from the adrenaline buzzed through my legs and arms warming my core, I started to sweat.
A small tap on the door threw my thoughts.
"Whose there?" my voice breaks, I slowly move towards the door to listen.
"Er, I've got your bag" It definitely wasn't Joe. This voice was deeper, more mature.
"Leave it by the door"
"I didn't mean to scare you. I knocked you over, I wanted to know if I hurt you"
My mind breaks in two. I want to thank him, another part of me is too scared.
My legs move towards the door, I shut my brain down, I've never been one for risks.
Opening the door slowly I peek out with one eye first. I see him. Dark eyes, dark hair. His eyes seem to be smiling but at the same time unpredictable. He looks me up and down before chewing a lip he seems to smile.
"That guy ran off, I can assure you its just me here" He hands over my bag.
"Don't expect to be invited in"
"Not even a guy that saves you, my you are stubborn, perhaps what he was saying was true"
"He's just a coward, he has no say over me" for some reason I feel like a small child in front of this guy but he only looks a few years older than me. And his voice and accent are seriously posh, he's definitely not from around here.
"I'm not here for tea, you dropped your bag, and your shoes. I wanted to return them, and apologise for scaring you."
"You didn't" the thought of him scares me.
"Well good. I hate to say so, but I must go it's late" he steps back to leave.
Slipping the key chain back I open the door fully, I actually don't know what I'm doing, its like I'm under some spell. "Thank you for helping me."
"Don't worry about it, under different circumstances perhaps we would never of met. Goodnight Maggie" He walks down the path towards Main street again.
How does he know my name and where I live?
"I found your bag remember" He shouts back at me. Strangely answering my thought.
Back inside my house I pause briefly in the kitchen and open a beer from the fridge. This kitchen is tiny, and in the shape of a square, its open plan with the lounge. Everythings white with grey kitchen tops, there isn't anything on the side at all apart from my driving license and a set of keys. There is no washing up. It's hard to believe people actually live here.
"Wait a second..." my purse he gave me. Has nothing with my address in and I left my drivers license at home. I stare at the stuff in front of me. How could he have known?