A girl who doesn't need to constantly take selfies and obsess about looking beautiful and presenting herself to the world in a fake way.
A girl who understands that to be sexy means to be yourself in confident way, to take care of your body, mind and spirit...and not care what anybody thinks of her.
A character that doesn't follow others but takes risks and never stops learning and embraces the truth about herself and the world.
Somebody who actually understands what love is instead of chasing some fake notion of what we are taught it means, that means love without need or dependence but the honest version.
Somebody honest, active, with opinions, hobbies and life experience who can handle a conversation and handle not knowing all the answers and embrace life's mysteries.
Somebody who has lived and isn't spoilt...
....I didn't think I was being THAT picky but so far I've met nothing but jokers and entitled girls that expect everything to happen for them.
I'm actually a super nice guy, I just want to meet somebody who is worth the effort and time.