In the cold season there are famous recipes which are cooked by using the ingredients from the natural resources. The most popular recipes are the products from new rice grain. Isan people can make many kinds of sweets from rice grain. They can make snack from green unripe glutinous rice grain, which is called khaomao. They can cook the new ripe glutinous rice grain in a tube of young bamboo stem. It is called khaolam. Grilled sticky rice covered by scrambled egg is also very popular in this season. It is suitable for the cold weather because when you eat it you will feel warm and full. Besides the recipes of rice, recipes from animals in this season are also well known. Frogs and fish are very nutritious and oily in this season. They can be cooked as curry with various vegetables that can grow well in this season, such as cabbage, head lettuce, green onion, etc. The most delicious recipe for mature frogs is grilling. Meanwhile mature catfish is most delicious when they are grilled and cooked as spicy minced salad.Therefore, the cold season is the time for oily recipes.