--5) Data Source is a business unit that primarily is concerned with data collection and processing data. It specializes in telephone data collection.
--6) Customer Satisfaction Measurement (CSM), as the name implies, specializes in measuring customer satisfaction and in helping clients improve their relationship with customers.
--7) CSM Worldwide Network spans more than 50 countries. It is the first international network of professional research and consulting businesses dedicated to customer satisfaction measurement and management. The CSM Worldwide Network assures that multicountry customer satisfaction research is consistent by taking into account
local conditions and cultural norms. Network members are trained to use consistent methods that allow standardization and comparability of information from country to country.
--8) Walker Direct designs and develops databases and implements direct-marketing programs that
help generate leads for businesses and raise funds for nonprofit organizations.
--9) Walker Clinical is a health care product use research company. Walker helps pharmaceutical, medical device, and consumer product manufacturers test how well new products work and how customers like them.