I go to Gotz and for the "Upgrade your chicken coop" thing, it states no gold, or lumber requirement, but if i select it is says i dont have enough lumber, If I upgrade it, which im going to try and do after i get the 2nd house extension, will i be able to have more than 4 chickens?
And what things should i have by the 6th of fall, first year? I have 1 house extension, all girls black :/, hammer, axe, hoe, and scythe are gold, the horse has 2 hearts, dog has 3, and 1 chicken has 2, the rest have one. If im going to marry mary, (er?) what type of things should i give her? I have eggs that i could give her, but im not sure if she would like them better wrapped, or spa-boiled, or wrapped spa-boiled. And when will my chickens give better eggs? every 2 heart levels? or not? Is there a place where i can buy rice cakes? And are the harvest sprites really top priority? and is it possible to win the chicken contest with a 2 hearted chicken?