Many people have accidents, but only some people get a lot of money afterwards. boiling water while she In Australia, Mrs Murray was burned by was making tea. She for compensation from the hired lawyers and asked government because the govemment office. She said accident happened in a the government should have had technician check the kettle and repair it. a She was burned in 1985. and in 1993 she won. The government paid her 47,000 dollars for being hurt and another 56,000 dollars to pay her lawyers. Australian newspapers said it was too much money because the bums were not so serious, and the government should not waste the money people paid in taxes. Cartoons made fun of her Mrs Murray said that she did not get too much money because she felt very bad after the accident and had to hire a housekeeper to come in every day for a month to help her with the housework. She was sad that people criticized her