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We transitioned to E2 from a previous manufacturing software a year ago and I have never been happier. This software is so user friendly and very easy to learn. I love the way it integrates with QuickBooks for our financials. It is also extremely helpful that you can quickly email any report, invoices, quotes, etc. out to customers and vendors. The customer service and support teams are also very helpful and wonderful to work with. I get answers to my questions quickly and any issues I have had come up have been resolved right away.
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I haven't been able to use the Quote function as it is meant to be used quite yet but that is more because I haven't had the time to explore it like I would like to than anything to do with the product.
Make sure to ask a lot of questions, even those that seem simple because I had a few surprises come up because I didn't. Thankfully those surprises didn't have a negative impact on our using this software.