Inflation Rate
The traditional theory says that the relative price of consumer goods and of such real assets as land should not be permanently affected by the rate of inflation. However, the experience of the past decade has been very different from the traditional predictions of this theory. There are too many papers to cite the effect of inflation on housing market and prices. Also, Feldstein [1] pointed out that there were a number of studies found that the prices of land or house and other such stores of value have increased by substantially more than the general price level. There are also a number of studies indicate positive relationship between inflation rate and the price of land or house. Then in Piazzesi and Schneider [9] also commended that higher expected inflation tends to lead to an increase in the price-dividend ration on houses. Rogers [2] says that if price levels are initially different across the euro area, convergence to a common level of prices would imply that inflation will be higher in countries where prices are initially low. Therefore, the house prices level convergence provides a potential explanation for recent cross-country differences in European inflation. Finally, the author also find out that there were negative relationship between the price level and inflation rate in Europe in year 1999, thus the price level convergence explains the inflation differentials is quite important economically.