The mean age of the patients with leukaemia who participated in the research was 53Æ42 ± 8Æ59 years. Of the patients 57Æ7% were women and 42Æ3% men; 37Æ5% of them were
primary school graduates (Table 1).
Reliability analysis
According to the Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test, there was no difference between test and retest values of the total, sensory, affective, ETPI and VAS scores (p > 0Æ05). Internal consistency was found adequate at both assessments with Cronbach’s a 0Æ88 for test and 0Æ91 for retest. Test–retest reliability was found to be ICC = 0Æ85 for total score, 0Æ84
for sensory score, 0Æ82 for affective score and 0Æ70 for ETPI score. The test–retest reliability for the VAS of SF-MPQ was found to be 0Æ64 (Table 2).