This research aimed to study teachers’ expectation and parents’ participation in promoting early child development centers and to compare parents’ participation in promoting early childhood development of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province as classified by educational background, occupation and monthly income. Samples in this research were 30 child caregiver teachers of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province and 463 parents who had their children learning in child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province. These samples were obtained by specific purpose sampling method. The research tools for collecting data were sets of rating scale questionnaire on teachers’ expectation and parents’ participation in promoting early childhood development of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province in 4 aspect: physical, mental-emotional social and intellectual development. The statistics used for analyzing data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one way ANOVA. The results revealed as follows:
1.The teacher expectation on parents’ participation in promoting childhood development of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province was at a high level in overall. Regarding each aspect, it was also at a high level. The highest mean was the promoting of physical development.
2. The parents’ participation in promoting early childhood development of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province was in a moderate level in overall. Regarding each aspect, it was in a moderate level. The highest mean was the promoting of social development.
3.When comparing parents’ participation in promoting early childhood development of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province as classified by their educational background, it was found out that they were statically different at 0.05 level. Regarding each aspect, it was found out that 3 aspect, including physical, mental-emotional and social development were significantly different.
4. When comparing parents’ participation in promoting early childhood development of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province as classified by their occupation, it was found that they were significantly different at 0.05 level both in overall and each aspect.
5. When comparing parents’ participation in promoting early childhood development of child development centers under local administrative organizations in the area of muaklek District , saraburi province as classified by their monthly income, it was found that they were significantly different at 0.05 level both in overall and each aspect.
Keyword: Expectancy, Participation, Child development