A. YouTube and Songs
YouTube is famously known as an internet video search website (USAToday, 2006). Kelsey (2010) defines it as a
website where you can upload and share videos. It uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of
user-generated content, video content, including movie clips, television clips and music videos as well as amateur
content such as video blogging and short original videos. Unregistered users can watch the videos for free, while
B. Songs and the English Language
For many people whose first language is not English or they did not learn English as a second language in school like
in some European countries for instance Belgium and Moldova (Ottilie, 2010; Xmarabout, 2010), their first exposure to
English may probably be through popular songs. Lynch (2005) points out in his article that language teachers should
use songs as part of their English language teaching. Among the reasons given are that songs contain natural language,
are easily obtainable, and are natural and fun. He also states that a variety of new vocabulary can be introduced as well
as cultural aspects and even different types of English accents. Songs can be selected to suit the needs and interests of
students. The lyrics of songs can be used in relating to situations of the world around the students. Overall, he concludes
that songs can offer an enjoyable speaking, listening, vocabulary and language practice.