shows the simulated cell voltage curves during discharge
and charge at different applied currents which are compared to the results of the full model. It should be mentioned that for the reduced order model simulation results presented in this figure,
the data snapshots of I ¼ 0:25 A cm2 and I ¼ 0:03 A cm2 have
been used for discharge and charge, respectively. The symbols
denote the results of ROM, while the solid lines are the results of
the full model. Fig. 14(a) shows the simulated results of cell voltage
during discharge process for applied current range of
I ¼ 0:15 0:5 A cm2. As it can be seen from this figure, the ROM
results match well with the results of full model. Moreover, the
simulated results of cell voltage during charge process are presented
in Fig. 14(b) for a wide range of applied currents, i.e.,
I ¼ 0:015 0:05 A cm2. It should be noted that in the calculation
of these results, the previous discharge process is performed at a
constant applied current of I ¼ 0:25 A cm2. It is worth taking into
consideration that in the calculation of Fig. 14(b), the ROM results
are also obtained from the data snapshots of the same applied current,
I ¼ 0:25 A cm2, in discharge process.