They were then washed by a detergent solution
(Labolenne) containing 2-3 drops of a wetting agent
(tween 80). This was followed by washing with tap water
to remove the detergent and finally washed 2-3 times with
double distilled water under laminar air flow hood. Finally
the explants were disinfected with 0.1% HgCl solution
for different time durations. The surface sterilized
explants were then washed 5-6 times with autoclaved
double distilled water so as to remove the last traces of
the sterilant. The sterilized plant material was then put
into pre-autoclaved petri-dishes, cut into suitable size and
finally aseptically inoculated into the culture medium.
Each treatment involved about 10-20 explants and each
experiment were repeated twice.