8 Conclusions
Our experimental testing of an OLDS type elevator have shown
• A linear relationship of federate with tube speed.
• A relative level of insensitivity to tip clearance in overall performance.
• A non-linear response to cutter geometry/height on the material throughput which is an area of interest for further research.
• A small variation in the flow rate of solids with inclination angle.
• A continuing inability for the tube to fully clear despite the inclination angle facilitating the use of this device for filter cake feeding.
• A very high transport efficiency perhaps enabling a smaller overall device for a given tonnage rate requirement.
From these observations we conclude that the OLDS style elevator has potential as a filter cake feeder that warrants much more attention.
There is significant scope for further research into the optimization of the feed cutters to either maximize bed disturbance or minimize bed disturbance depending on the specific needs of the particular bulk material.