Synthetic colorants are used in different industries such as
paper, textile, inks, plastics, cosmetics, drugs, edible drinks and
food. Generally, synthetic dyes have complex aromatic structures
making them stable and difficult to be biodegraded [1]. The
synthetic dyes have also been utilized in foods to make them more
attractive and appetizing for centuries [2].
Carmine is a pigment of a bright-red color which obtained from
the aluminum salt of carminic acid. The pigment produced from
the cochineal which is the female Dactylopius coccus Costa insect
[3]. Carmine is used as a food dye in many different products
including juices, ice cream, yogurt and candy, as well as in drug
formulations and cosmetic products such as eye shadow and lipstick
[4]. Carmine, one of the synthetic food dyes, is authorized
to be used in USA, Canada, Korea and European Union [5]. It is