Do you know what is my dream job? If you don't know,Let's go to get knowledge about my dream job!
My dream job is Tutor. when I studied at Prathom6 I went to study at extra school at Leamchabang.I study at Thai language,English,Science and Math but my favorite subject is Thai language.Why I like Thai language class do you know? Because teacher is very nice.She prepared to teach me and my friend and she has many technique to appeal me to intend the class.
From I went to study at extra class,It makes me feel good and funny to study.So,I think if I grow up, I will be a Tutor.
I have brother and sister.In every evening I must teach my sister homework.I'm very funny to teach them and they funny same me.Then,I'm proud that I can teach my sister.So,It makes me want to be a Tutor!
I think when I graduate in university I will open my extra school and employ good teacher to teach my student.And I will teach at Thai and Chinese language.
My dream job require skills and experience.So, I must often develop myself. And I will learn about faculty of arts at Silpakorn University to be a Tutor.Because I like to study at language.So,I will learn it to teach my student in a future
For a tutor, Salary depending on hours that you teach student.If you have many hour for teaching,you will get many money.
For a work hours,It depending on a student.If you have many student,you also work hard.But I think if you love this job,you won't worry about it.
Interesting facts in tutor is tutor must excel very much and must research new news or new information in education.
Tutor is a hard job.If you don't love this job,you shouldn't work it.Because student want to get knowledge more than study at school.So,you must enthusiastic and intend to teach.
Tutor can grow if I'm diligent.Then I will have many student and my demand will successful.
For people that want to be tutor same me. I suggest you to intend the class,diligent and strive to be a tutor.Fighting! Thank you for interest my presentation and have a nice day!