Today PMK comes to ORA for discuss about The Inspection standard that they can built the glass and sent to ORA
They gave the inspection standard (in attached file) and need to know for this agreement that they can built ARB can accept or not ?
Importance point about the Trim edge (or trim line)they need to add spec -+ to 1.5 mm from center (in SOP we specify at 0.75 mm)
and the GAP between the glass and the jig fixture they need to add to 2 mm around the glass (in SOP we set specify at 1 mm on top and side and 2 mm on the bottom)
If ARB can accept this agreement will be apply on all model of the glass (both of flat glass and curve glass)
If ARB not accept, they need to know how tolerance that ARB will can accept ?
On now they still has not produce 668PW006 (the first lot run 30 pcs) cause of waiting ARB confirm and they will apply on this lot
However we have 1 lot that QC ORA reject around 20 pcs of 6601215
They need to request ARB for use the glass in condition accept
Refer from e-mail in attached file and K.Thoituan will sent this to you for resolve
Please you consideration and let me know.