After the experiment these percentages increased in the case of electronic and online dictionaries and decreased
in the case of print dictionary. The percentage of students using print dictionary to look up words (1-10 times per
week) decreased from 18- 16%. As for electronic dictionary users, the percentage of usage has increased among
all groups of students and across all frequencies. In the case of the online dictionary users, the percentages of
students looking up words 1-10 times week and 10-20 times a week has almost doubled. One may clearly
conclude that the activity given by the teacher caused students to depend less on print dictionaries and more on
electronic (CD-Rom) and online dictionaries. The activity required them to visit the online dictionary on a daily
basis. It seems, though, that after getting the word, they preferred to get the rest of the information from
electronic dictionaries, probably because their language is easier or because they are available for them all the
time in the computer lab or on their mobiles.