My Best Friend I have a lot of friends, best friends, and closer friends. The reason I have different kinds of friends is because some are close I can always talk to them if I need, my best friends I tell everything to, and friends I like being around them I don't tell them a loi though. I do have one best friend that is really close to me and T can go to her with a lot of problems. Her name is Kelscy Hawke She is one of my best friends because know I can come to her with all of my problems and she'll help my out the best she can, she doesn't mind being around me and I don't mind being around hor, and we have some great iaughs together. We both have the same interests. For example we both like guys, the same band(98 degrees), cheer leading, and lots more. Every time we do stuff togcthcr we end up with an inside joke By an insidc.joke I mean a story that we laughed at and had a fun timc dong Then you sum up the story with a name and that's called an insidejoke. We have so many of them. The way she became my best friend is we met in 5 grad in the beginning of the c year. To find out more about each other we spent more time together. That's how all of our inside jokes started. Then we did so much together and started to tell each other anything people just started calling us best friends. Once ireally thought about it, she really was my best friend. From that point on we just kept everything the same, telling each other anything and hanging out more.