Reflecting on Barell’s (2007, p. 6) KWHLAQ Model, and the journey that I have taken, I now raise some new questions that I seek answers for. Throughout my search, I have used the analogy of maps to highlight the limit of my knowledge. Reproduced above is a likening of the extent of my current state of knowledge as a figurative estimation. Dunn’s (1794) Geographicus is considered the first European map of the world and if you examine it closely you’ll appreciate the limits of knowledge in 1794. Likewise, my understanding has huge limitations but I feel like I have some understanding of the state of knowledge within Geographical inquiry. I ask about the magnetic north pole, because I started my blog post with this as an analogy of searching in a postmodern world. I still don’t know how all of these inquiry models fit together, just like in Dunn’s (1794) Geographicus, the keen observer will notice that the Northwest passage above Canada is not yet opened. I too, have a long way to go in inquiring about inquiry.