Work in a small group. Take turns asking and answering the questions. Use the boldface words and vocabulary from Review and Expand in your answers.
1. Do you think it is a good idea for real-life superheroes to get inyolved in their communities to stop crime? Do you think they take too many risks? Explain your answer.
2. Do you think we are responsible for caring for others in our community? Do you think one person can make a difference in other people's lives? Why or Why not
3. Do you volunteer in your community? If not, what kind of volunteer work do you think your community needs the most?
4.. Name a person you know who is altruistic. Why do you think this person likes to help others? Give an example of something this person did that was generous or shows they have a good heart.
5. Name a person you know who has courage. Why do you think this person is brave? 6. Name a person you think is a good role model for others. What does this person do to inspire others?