Data Collection and Analysis
Data were collected through individual, face-to-face interviews
in the participants’ homes, lasting one to two hours
each. The interviews were semistructured, and women were
questioned about their decisions regarding breast reconstruction
and feelings, experiences, and the impact of breast cancer,
mastectomy, and breast reconstruction on their functioning
and lifestyle. A later focus group interview was held with 8 of
the 10 participants. The semistructured focus group interview
was conducted to confirm relevance of the identified themes to
the women’s perception of their experience and to encourage
individual expression, group interaction, and identification of
issues and possible resolutions (Kreuger, 1998). All interviews
were audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim.
Thematic analysis of the data was performed. Transcripts
were analyzed separately, and common ideas were combined
and grouped into discussion topics. Commonalities and differences
were identified to develop emerging themes and subthemes.
The process was conducted manually; transcripts were
read twice, and data were organized twice and synthesized.
The authors achieved immersion through this method. The
findings were described to the participants in a focus group
format to ensure accurate interpretation and conceptualization
Data Collection and AnalysisData were collected through individual, face-to-face interviewsin the participants’ homes, lasting one to two hourseach. The interviews were semistructured, and women werequestioned about their decisions regarding breast reconstructionand feelings, experiences, and the impact of breast cancer,mastectomy, and breast reconstruction on their functioningand lifestyle. A later focus group interview was held with 8 ofthe 10 participants. The semistructured focus group interviewwas conducted to confirm relevance of the identified themes tothe women’s perception of their experience and to encourageindividual expression, group interaction, and identification ofissues and possible resolutions (Kreuger, 1998). All interviewswere audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim.Thematic analysis of the data was performed. Transcriptswere analyzed separately, and common ideas were combinedand grouped into discussion topics. Commonalities and differenceswere identified to develop emerging themes and subthemes.The process was conducted manually; transcripts wereread twice, and data were organized twice and synthesized.The authors achieved immersion through this method. Thefindings were described to the participants in a focus groupformat to ensure accurate interpretation and conceptualization
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