In most Asian countries, especially Southeast Asia, fish is the
main protein of the diet (Chung et al. 1994). Other than fresh
fish consumption, wide variety of comminuted fish products
such as fish ball, fish cake, and fish burger are also widely
consumed. The basic ingredients of fish ball are fish meat,
starch, salt, and water. Fish ball is defined as fish product
prepared from a mixture of fish, with or without the addition
of starch, condiments and vegetables, which are shaped into
ball (Umordin 2012). Each ball should contain not less than
50 % of fish and may contain permitted flavor enhancer and
food conditioner (Umordin 2012).
Fish paste products, such as fish balls and fish cakes are
claimed to be originated from China, using fresh fish as the
raw ingredient (Boran and Kose 2007). Currently, these products
have been widely consumed in the Asian region. It is
reported that the fish-based product industry has been growing
tremendously since the early 1980s in countries including
Singapore, Malaysia, China, and Thailand. Manufacturers
are also aiming at the overseas market, especially for frozen
fish balls and cuttlefish balls, to countries such as Australia,
Japan, and United States (Morrissey and Tan 2000). In
Singapore, it is claimed that 4 million people consumed about
70 tonnes of fish ball/fish cake a day (Park 2005). Similarly,
fish ball consumption in Thailand is relatively high, with
approximately 12,000 tonnes of fish ball consumed per year
(Park 2005).
In Malaysia, fish balls are commonly consumed and the
production is usually initiated by small family-based enterprises.
However, in recent years, many factories have invested
in modern machinery to increase the production of fish balls,
and there are about 27 fish ball manufacturing factories in
Malaysia (Huda et al. 2010). Fish ball production is the second
largest processed fish-based production in Malaysia after fish
cracker production, where the contribution of fish ball
In most Asian countries, especially Southeast Asia, fish is themain protein of the diet (Chung et al. 1994). Other than freshfish consumption, wide variety of comminuted fish productssuch as fish ball, fish cake, and fish burger are also widelyconsumed. The basic ingredients of fish ball are fish meat,starch, salt, and water. Fish ball is defined as fish productprepared from a mixture of fish, with or without the additionof starch, condiments and vegetables, which are shaped intoball (Umordin 2012). Each ball should contain not less than50 % of fish and may contain permitted flavor enhancer andfood conditioner (Umordin 2012).Fish paste products, such as fish balls and fish cakes areclaimed to be originated from China, using fresh fish as theraw ingredient (Boran and Kose 2007). Currently, these productshave been widely consumed in the Asian region. It isreported that the fish-based product industry has been growingtremendously since the early 1980s in countries includingSingapore, Malaysia, China, and Thailand. Manufacturersare also aiming at the overseas market, especially for frozenfish balls and cuttlefish balls, to countries such as Australia,Japan, and United States (Morrissey and Tan 2000). InSingapore, it is claimed that 4 million people consumed about70 tonnes of fish ball/fish cake a day (Park 2005). Similarly,fish ball consumption in Thailand is relatively high, withapproximately 12,000 tonnes of fish ball consumed per year(พาร์ค 2005)มาเลเซีย ลูกปลาอยู่ทั่วไปใช้และมักจะมีเริ่มผลิต โดยวิสาหกิจตามครอบครัวขนาดเล็กอย่างไรก็ตาม ในปี โรงงานหลายแห่งได้ลงทุนในเครื่องจักรที่ทันสมัยเพื่อเพิ่มการผลิตลูกปลาและมีโรงงานผลิตลูกปลา 27 ในมาเลเซีย (ฮุดะ et al. 2010) ผลิตลูกปลาเป็นที่สองใหญ่ประมวลผลผลิตปลาที่ใช้ในมาเลเซียหลังจากปลาการผลิตขนมปังกรอบ ที่สัดส่วนของลูกปลา
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..