In Table 6, it can be seen that the control group students' mean score of post-test (x = 12.70) is higher than the
mean score of retention test (x = 11.63), and the mean score of pre-test (x = 10.76). In addition, no difference
has been observed between the pre-test and retention test according to the Tukey test (p>0.05). In this case,
considering the mean scores, it is observed that this difference is in favor of the pro-test. So, it can be said thatthe students have learned the unit with a traditional method with which they are familiar. There is a significant
difference between pro-test and retention test. Considering the averages, it is again observed that this
difference is in favor of the pro-test. In this case, it can be said that the students do not remember any
information regarding the protein synthesis unit. In the face of the averages, the pro-test scores of the students
have increased compared to the pre-test; therefore, students can be said to have learned the subject of the
enzymes discussed according to the traditional approach. However, there is not any difference between the
scores of the retention test performed after the traditional approach and the scores of the pre-test performed
at the beginning; for this reason, there has been detected no retention of information about the subject of
enzymes which has been discussed according to the traditional approach.