Requirements (Ref Para A7 - A12)
8. IFAC member bodies shall specify educational entry requirements for professional accounting
education programs that will allow entrance only to those with a reasonable chance of successfully
completing the professional accounting education program, while not representing excessive
barriers to entry.
9. IFAC member bodies shall explain the rationale for the principles to be used when setting
educational entry requirements to stakeholders, including relevant education providers and
individuals considering a career as a professional accountant.
10. IFAC member bodies shall make relevant information publicly available to help individuals assess
their own chances of successfully completing a professional accounting education program.
Explanatory Material
Scope of this Standard (Ref Para 1 – 5)
A1. Professional accounting education programs are designed to support aspiring professional
accountants to develop the appropriate professional competence by the end of Initial Professional
Development (IPD). They may consist of formal education delivered through degrees and courses
offered by universities, other higher education providers, IFAC member bodies, and employers, as
well as workplace training. The design of professional accounting education programs during IPD
may therefore involve substantive input from stakeholders other than IFAC member bodies.
A2. IFAC member bodies have varying levels of control over entry requirements to professional
accounting education programs. For example, in some jurisdictions entry requirements may be set
by universities or governments. There are various pathways into the accountancy profession. For
example, (a) traditional degree level entry, (b) gaining experience by working in industry, and (c)
entry from the secondary education level. Moreover, different jurisdictions and IFAC member bodies
will have different labor market challenges.