Generic GCSN & OPT BCP steps as shared.
1. OPT and GCSN manually issue BCP order number ( 5 digit running #, similar to EXPO order # )
2. OPT and GCSN place part request for urgent order in EXPO ( if available ) or BCP sharepoint
3. GSD SC ship order with generic return label ( Indicate BCP order number )
4. When OPT/GCSN & IGSO are up and running, GSD SC will move all BCP quantities to DR99 storage location. For B2B countries, to request 3PL to move inventory from FG11 to DR99 location as well.
5. Once GSD SC complete movement of BCP inventory to DR99, will notify OPT & GCSN to place recovery order
a. For GCSN, ensure BCP order number along with “Do not ship instruction” is populated in the shipping instruction. Ensure order is submitted to IGSO with “intervene”
Delivery instruction example : 12345-Do not ship this BCP order
b. For OPT, manually populate BCP order number along with “Do not ship instruction” in the delivery instruction. Ensure order reason “575” is selected, Shipping plant is force allocated to xxDxDR99 or XXFxDR99
Delivery instruction example : 12345-Do not ship this BCP order
6. Upon all recovery orders are submitted to IGSO, OPT & GCSN to generate a report/listing that contain BCP order number, OPT/GCSN actual event #, part number, qty, plant & storage location. This is for GSD SC to reconcile physical quantity.
7. GSD SC run program to mass update item cat to ZS69 for recovery order submitted by OPT & GCSN ( base on listing provided at step 6 ). For GCSN BCP orders, the program will also force allocate storage location to xxDx/xxFxDR99. If there is any header delivery block, the program will also remove automatically.
8. GSD SC run special delivery program to perform logical PGI from DR99 location.
9. Ensure all ZIGSO_WMAPGR posted.
10. There should not be any quantity in DR99 when all recovery orders are “PGI’ed”.
11. For 3PL countries, request 3PL to “PGI” or “write-down” from DR99 once IGSO complete entire recovery from DR99 location ( step 8 to 10 )
12. When part return to W/H, 3PL to use listing as provided by OPT & GCSN ( step 6 ) to fetch against the OPT/GCSN actual event #
Generic GCSN & OPT BCP steps as shared.1. OPT and GCSN manually issue BCP order number ( 5 digit running #, similar to EXPO order # )2. OPT and GCSN place part request for urgent order in EXPO ( if available ) or BCP sharepoint3. GSD SC ship order with generic return label ( Indicate BCP order number )4. When OPT/GCSN & IGSO are up and running, GSD SC will move all BCP quantities to DR99 storage location. For B2B countries, to request 3PL to move inventory from FG11 to DR99 location as well.5. Once GSD SC complete movement of BCP inventory to DR99, will notify OPT & GCSN to place recovery ordera. For GCSN, ensure BCP order number along with “Do not ship instruction” is populated in the shipping instruction. Ensure order is submitted to IGSO with “intervene”Delivery instruction example : 12345-Do not ship this BCP orderb. For OPT, manually populate BCP order number along with “Do not ship instruction” in the delivery instruction. Ensure order reason “575” is selected, Shipping plant is force allocated to xxDxDR99 or XXFxDR99Delivery instruction example : 12345-Do not ship this BCP order6. Upon all recovery orders are submitted to IGSO, OPT & GCSN to generate a report/listing that contain BCP order number, OPT/GCSN actual event #, part number, qty, plant & storage location. This is for GSD SC to reconcile physical quantity.7. GSD SC run program to mass update item cat to ZS69 for recovery order submitted by OPT & GCSN ( base on listing provided at step 6 ). For GCSN BCP orders, the program will also force allocate storage location to xxDx/xxFxDR99. If there is any header delivery block, the program will also remove automatically.8. GSD SC run special delivery program to perform logical PGI from DR99 location. 9. Ensure all ZIGSO_WMAPGR posted.10. There should not be any quantity in DR99 when all recovery orders are “PGI’ed”.11. For 3PL countries, request 3PL to “PGI” or “write-down” from DR99 once IGSO complete entire recovery from DR99 location ( step 8 to 10 )12. When part return to W/H, 3PL to use listing as provided by OPT & GCSN ( step 6 ) to fetch against the OPT/GCSN actual event #
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