Over the last two decades, most of Italian vines have produced grapes with higher sugar to total acid ratios, greater
concentrations of phenols and aromatic compounds and greater potential wine quality. As a consequence, the musts
obtained by these grapes are more difficult to process because of the risk of slowing or stuck of fermentation. With the aim
of describing the time evolution of the sugars bioconversion during alcoholic fermentation, the kinetics of the D-glucose
and D-fructose degradations, promoted by two yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain C) e Saccharomyces
bayanus (strain B)), was investigated using synthetic media, added or not with ethanol. The concentrations of both the
substrates and the products of the sugars conversions, as well as the number of viable cells of yeasts, were determined
as a function of the alcoholic fermentation time and the related kinetics constants determined
Over the last two decades, most of Italian vines have produced grapes with higher sugar to total acid ratios, greaterconcentrations of phenols and aromatic compounds and greater potential wine quality. As a consequence, the mustsobtained by these grapes are more difficult to process because of the risk of slowing or stuck of fermentation. With the aimof describing the time evolution of the sugars bioconversion during alcoholic fermentation, the kinetics of the D-glucoseand D-fructose degradations, promoted by two yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain C) e Saccharomycesbayanus (strain B)), was investigated using synthetic media, added or not with ethanol. The concentrations of both thesubstrates and the products of the sugars conversions, as well as the number of viable cells of yeasts, were determinedas a function of the alcoholic fermentation time and the related kinetics constants determined
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